Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Sequencing Technique

Sequencing Technique:

Definition: A serial arrangement where things follow in a logical order or a recurrent pattern.

What you Need:
- Tripod
- Fast shutter speed
- No camera shaking
- 200/400ISO
- Subject

These photographs are an interesting style which features many different shots being layered on top of each other to create one final piece. This technique has inspired me because I could use people as a subject and also incorporate other natural elements such as the moon, sun, clouds or animals. For example, I could set up my camera and tripod on a hill and take a shot of the moon every half an hour. This would result in me having many images of the moon throughout the night, leading to me being able to create the sequence shot. In addition to this, I could photograph people moving and sequence this. 

Techniques work diary:

The images were produced by using a fast shutter speed and by having the camera set up on a tripod facing the subject. This set up works well for sequencing shots as the movement on the swings can be captured.

The images look clear and show the movement in a sequence. If edited into a final outcome image, I think that it would mirror the research images style.

To improve the sequencing images, I could think of a more interesting shot or play with lighting/angles etc. 

In the progression of this Technique, I would consider using it in future shoots. Sequencing shows time through photography and therefore leads the eye to think about the work and what the meaning behind it could be. Ideas where I could use this technique could be capturing someone laugh/cry or capturing something move fast such as a train or car.

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